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Contact Us
Want to know more? Here's how you can get in contact with us.
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Pastor Ray Ranker
Ray is from Reisterstown, Maryland and graduated from the Univ. of Maryland in 2004. After college he spent a year serving in Argentina with Young Adults in Global Mission of the ELCA and spent another approximately two years serving in South America, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe before starting seminary. After graduating from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (now United Lutheran), he was called to be the Lutheran campus pastor at the University of Maryland where he has been serving since 2011. He is a recipient of the James Carr Distinguished Service Award for Lutheran Campus Ministry and currently service as the vice-chair of the National LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry) board.
He and his wife, Karin, live in College Park and have two children. Ray likes to play basketball, listen to Taylor Swift, talk about politics and global affairs, travel, and learn from others while in conversation. He loves helping connect students with people and other resources as they seek to share their gifts and passion.
Phone: (410) 294 - 6691
UMD Chaplain
Alyssa Cobb
Alyssa is a graduate student from Baltimore in the Master of Public Policy program here at UMD. In her personal time, she enjoys gardening, dancing, board games, spending time with family and friends, and meeting new people. Alyssa has been a part of Humble Walk for her four years of undergrad and is excited to stay with the ministry both as a student and staff member. She hopes to continue to meet and grow with our community of students, alumni, and supporters, so always feel free to reach out!
Phone: (443) 991 - 6854
Director of Stewardship and Advancement
Lauren Werley-Wolf
Lauren is originally from a small town in Pennsylvania. She graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Marketing & International Business. A few of her favorite things include spending time with her family and friends, reading, listening to music, and traveling. She loves being a mom to both her human children and her fur babies!
Phone: (301) 927 - 5508
Administrative Assistant
Andrew Vigliotta
Andrew is the Program Coordinator for the Humble Walk. Originally from Kensington, Maryland, Andrew has been involved with the Humble Walk since 2022, and served as the Program Coordinator since August 2023. As Program Coordinator, he works with student leaders to organize weekly programs and events. He also works at Saint Luke Lutheran Church in Silver Spring, live streaming worship services and doing other media projects. In a cooperative effort between Saint Luke and the Humble Walk, he supports a number of weekly programs for La Sagrada Familia in Langley Park, including ESL classes, two after-school children's programs, and food ministry. His favorite part of the job is connecting and building relationships with students, so he'd love to hear from you!
Phone: (240) 277 - 4583
Program Coordinator
Ann Wheeler
​Ann Wheeler is the Pastoral Intern for the Humble Walk. She is currently earning a Master of Divinity at Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago, an Episcopal seminary with a hybrid program, so she travels to the Windy City a few times a year. Ann has a background in academic librarianship and is now pursuing a career in chaplaincy. She recently completed pastoral training at Anne Arundel Medical Center, and she serves on AAMC's Spiritual Care Advisory Committee. She enjoys learning about people, listening, and supporting individual and group growth. Ann lives in Anne Arundel County with her husband, son, and very sweet dog.
Pastoral Intern
Bailey Sullivan
Bailey Sullivan is majoring in Sociology and Economics as well as minoring in Spanish. She is a Peer Research Mentor for FIRE Global Development and Design and also an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for ENGL101. She also helps teach a night class for ESL students. Other things that she is involved in include intramural sports such as volleyball, soccer, and flag football, ASTS tutoring, and CARing Kids- an after-school children’s program. She loves working with kids and is excited to continue to help serve the children's programs.
Peer Minister: Children's Programs
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